I've been getting my ass kicked this semester. I blazed all break and set myself up for a nice kick in the pants as soon as class started, I just didn't know it. I'm not a big fan of my Fantasy class. I mean I love my teacher and the work is fine...I was just expecting to write novel length shit or work on bigger projects when I'm really just working on magical realism shorts and I've been bone dry for new ideas worth a shit.
Though as of tonight I hit some sort of cryptic ass breakthrough and I'm honestly feeling better...thanks in part to my better half and a cute little stalker named Alex. And some other people too (fuck off you two) but either way I feel like I'm moving forward. I'm going to try and have my steeple chase done by next week, meaning after that I'm going to be rekindling the flames of noveldom...and handlin my shit like a mothafuckin beast. 30 pages before the end of the semester...or die fuckin trying.